
Dias de Los Muertos! Halloween Giveaway

Hello Darlings!

I decide to giveaway lovely sugar skull "dias de los muertos" ring made by amazing Milushka accessories :) so...for entry LIKE my Greta MaCabre page, share this photo and like Milushka accesories page, too! I will pick Lucky winner - for Halloween!
Good Luck!


Some more photos from our Halloween costume...

photo by Izzy, hair accessories by http://www.rockrockabilly.com/

make up by Moni Le Fleur (Ivana Greta) and Michelle Milardovich (Tamara)

dress by British Retro "Resting in Flowers"


The woman behind "Coco's Retro Closet"? Tko se krije iza "Coco's Retro Closet"?

Hello darlings!

In today's post I have the honor of introducing you to our first retro dressmaker / designer
Gordana Lakić from my hometown Čakovec.

Gordana/Coco's Retro Closet is a retro fashion enthusiast; she enjoys 40’s, 50's and 60's fashion and lifestyle, loves to sew and create retro custom made clothing.

I am her loyal client and love her stuff, clothes and handicrafts. She also often turns my design into wearable reality.

Gordana is my dear friend and she was kind enough to reply to a few of my questions:

The first question was somewhat typical, but an essential one anyway. :) I asked her what her favourite fashion/style era is.

G: The 20's have left a powerful impression on me, especially the 20's hairstyles. I love it, even though the fashion is a little bit defeminized, somewhat boyish, as a result of feminism. In the 30's, the waistline returned to its place, after the flapper lowered waistline.

The 40's were feminine suit me perfectly for my everyday outfits, but despite that the evening gowns and formal wear were very glamorous.
The 50's and the early 60's were more glamorous and feminine on a daily basis. Accentuated curves, luxurious gowns...were all a symbol of the 50's and early 60's fashion.
In the late 60's the low waistline reappears in combo with miniskirts and tights, which are my least favourite garments.

How did you get the idea to make your own, retro-inspired pieces?

G: Well, it all started with a pink corset which was too big for me, and a pair of stockings I needed suspenders for. Then came a girdle, and a bra from the same material, and it just went on from there. At first, I only made clothes for myself, but then the word spread. In any case, it all started with corsets and retro lingerie.

G: Why only retro?

I find history fascinating, and this is a part of history. I remember daydreaming about a wedding dress “with a high waist”, aka an empire line. That dream came true. I didn’t always wear retro, and it wasn’t because of today’s fashion. It just came with time and accepting me for who I am.

What do you think are the biggest drawbacks or advantages of today’s fashion and fashion brands?

G: Hmm… First the advantages: fashion is cheap and affordable today, and almost anything goes. The drawback is that it changes way too fast, and that means it made cheaper and of lower quality.

Did you have any beforehand knowledge when starting to sew?

G: My mother was a seamstress, and the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. I graduated from a textile design high school. I never continued my education because I hated chemistry, physics, math… I held several jobs connected with fashion (in a clothing factory, a small bespoke tailoring shop, a wedding dress shop..) through which I gained a lot of experience. With time I got the hang of dress construction, and I also use patterns from fashion magazines.
My job is fun, and I enjoy sewing and creating. I think of it as a hobby, and as such, I don’t accept too many orders, since I do it for pleasure alone. Sometimes some orders seem difficult, but in the end, everything turns out more than good.

How would you describe your style, and what clothing makes you feel most comfortable?

G: I would describe my style as moderately feminine of the 40’s and 50’s. Below-the-knee skirts of various shapes and widths, long navy cut trousers or capri pants, plain cotton tops and blouses with pleats, ruffles and bows. I also enjoy wearing trench coats or short leather jackets. And also dresses, dresses and more dresses!

Is there an article of clothing you love especially? Do you remember what the first thing you made was?

G: I have a few favourite pieces, but the most special ones, to me, are my classical black pencil skirt, and a denim skirt with front pleats. The first thing I ever sewed was a cotton blouse with a mille fleur pattern when I was 14 years old.

Who are your customers?

G: Mostly girls in their 20’s who want to be different and are attracted to the glamour of days long gone by.

And my final question: do you have a role model, a designer or a model, from modern or past times? Who are you inspired by?

G: The answer to that would be Christian Dior.

All the photographs were taken from Gordana’s blog http://cocosretrocloset.blogspot.com/ . You can follow her work there, or treat yourself to a little something at her etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/CocosRetroCloset

This has been all from me for now.

Hugs and kisses!

Croatian translation:

U današnjem postu imam čast predstaviti našu prvu retro krojačicu/dizajnericu Gordanu Lakić iz mog rodnog grada Čakovca. Gordana je i sama ljubiteljica retro mode iz razdoblja 40-ih i 60-ih godina i obožava izrađivati rublje i odjeću tog perioda. Sama sam njezin klijent i obožavam njezinu izradu, bilo da sama nešto smisli ili da moj dizajn pretvori u nosivu stvarnost.

Gordana mi je odgovorila na par zanimljivih pitanja. Prvo pitanje bilo je pomalo tipično, no itekako bitno. Dakle Goga,

Koju "modnu" eru najviše voliš i poštuješ?

G: Moje omiljeno razdoblje je prilično rastegnuto od 30-ih do kraja 60-ih godina. Iz 20-ih godina najmoćniji dojam ostavljaju frizure dok je moda defeminizirana, pomalo dječačka, kao posljedica feminizma.

U 30-im se godinama linija struka vratila se na svoje mjesto, poslije spuštenog struka dvadesetih. Moda 40-ih je bila ženstveno umjerena što meni odgovara za svakodnevni outfit. U to nisu uključene večernje haljine koje su bile glamurozne, dok su 50-te i početak 60-ih bile još ženstvenije, obline izraženije, haljine raskošnije. Sve do kraja 60-ih kad je struk opet pao, a u modu dolaze mini suknje i hulahopke, koje su mi poprilično omraženi odjevni predmet.

Kako si došla na ideju da sama izrađuješ retrom inspirirane komade?

G: Sve je počelo s pink korzetom koji mi je bio prevelik i čarapama za koje sam trebala haltere. Jedan steznik, pa grudnjak da bude iz istog materijala i tako dalje. Prvo sam šila samo za sebe, ali onda se dobar glas proširio dalje. Uglavnom, počela sam s korzetima i retro donjim rubljem.

Zašto isključivo retro?

G: Povijest me privlači sama po sebi, pa se to nekako nadovezalo jedno na drugo. Sjećam se da sam kao mala sanjarila da će moja vjenčanica biti «ona visokog struka» tj. Empire haljina. Moj san se i ostvario :). Nisam se oduvijek oblačila retro, nisam počela ni zbog aktualne mode, to je došlo s godinama i prihvaćanjem same sebe.

Što misliš koji su nedostaci odnosno prednosti današnje mode i modnih brandova?

G: Hmmm, prvo o prednostima. Moda je danas jeftina i priuštiva , a moderno je praktički sve. Nedostatak je u tome što se moda prebrzo mijenja, a to povlači za sobom nekvalitetnu izradu i materijale.

Jesi li imala kakvog predznanja kad si počela šivati?

G: Moja mama je bila krojačica, a jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla. Završila sam srednju tekstilnu školu (smjer dizajn tekstila). Nisam nastavila školovanje jer sam mrzila kemiju, fiziku, matematiku... Promijenila sam više poslova (posao u tvornici konfekcije, privatnoj maloj radnji, posudionici vjenčanica...), preko kojih kojih sam stekla različita korisna iskustva. Vremenom sam sama savladala konstrukciju te koristim i krojeve iz modnih časopisa.

Svoj posao smatram zabavom i uživam kad šivam i stvaram. Smatram to hobijem i ne uzimam si previše posla, ne radim to serijski, nego iz vlastita zadovoljstva. Ponekad mi se neke kombinacije čine teško izvedive, no, uvijek na kraju sve ispadne i više nego dobro.

Kako bi opisala svoj stil i u kojem se komadu robe najbolje osjećaš?

G: Moj stil je umjereno ženstven stil 40-ih i 50-ih. Suknje do ispod koljena raznih oblika i širina, duge hlače mornarskog kroja ili capri ¾ dužine, najobičnije pamučne majice i bluze s naborima, faldicama, mašnama. Baloneri ili kratke kožnate jakne. I haljine haljine haljine...:)

Imaš li neki komad robe koji ti je posebno drag? Sjećas li se možda što si prvo sama zašila?

G: Imam nekoliko najdražih komada odjeće ali izdvojila bih crnu klasičnu usku suknju (pencil suknja) i plavu traper suknju s prednjom faldom. Prva prava stvar koju sam sašila bila je pamučna bluza s Mille-fleur uzorkom u 1. srednje, imala sam 14 godina.

Tko je tvoja najčešća klijentela?

G: To su većinom djevojke u 20-ima koje žele biti drugačije i privlači ih glamur prošlih vremena.

I za kraj...Imaš li modnog uzora, dizajnera, modela...iz ovih ili možda prošlih vremena? Tko te posebno inspirira?

G: Christian Dior je moj uzor.

Sve od mene za danas, dragi moji :)


What Goga a.k.a Coco made for me and made my designs and wishes come true by her golden hands/ Što je sve Goga zašila za mene i moj dizajn i želje pretvorila u realnost svojim zlatnim rukama:

Little Black Velvet Dress, shoes are by Bordello, Pleaser wore it for RTL TV interview video and Geuseppina Magazine shoot with Franjo Matković.

My favourite Gold Glitter Dress, shoes are by Pleaser USA, model: Deligh - Mary Jane pumps

aligator purse is from our Vintage Shop - Ulični Ormar. I wore it @Croatian Dove Fashion Week. Photo by Croator.

Video for Marko Tolja (Znaj) with my belt form Ulični Ormar and hair fascinator by RockRockabilly (Jessika Hill)

photo by Robert Gojević, hair accessories GG's Pin Up Couture

Black wiggle skirt with white trim and pink blouse, win combination Trash and Burn pin up contest 2012.

photo by Bostjan Tacol, Photobilly.

Pleated Pinstripe Skirt

The skirt is made of wool blend, gray with pink pin stripes. Skirt is fully lined.

Playsuit in Gold Satin:

with "Sophisticated Hair Flowers" blue orchid "Glitter Paradise" accessories Photo by Jasenka Arbanas, TinyBizz photography (2), Photobilly (3) from Trash and Burn 2014.

With super cute gals and rockabilly pinups Sandy Sailor and Juliette Magnefique at Trash and Burn 2014 wearing my Coco's custom made design.

Tiki blouse and shorts. I brought this fabric via e-bay. ("tiki" hlačice i košulja, tkaninu sam kupila preko e-baya). I am wearing bakelite and fakelite bracelets, my 50's midi cat glasses, RockRockabilly red orchid flower and my wooden/leather Zara retro wedges. Amazing Tiki Orhid Purse is from Rumble59, Rockabilly Rulles <3

Photo by Danijel Blažeka, Bostjan Tacol, Anja Photography, La Petite ChouChou with Sandy Sailor @Trash and Burn

more to come...<3 Coco is making me more :)


Petrol "Ice Cream" Dress

Hello Darlings!

I had collaboration with BANNOU brand from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Bannou is clothing brand of Faranak Mirjalili, designer and co-founder of brand I Love Vintage. I choose amazing petrol "Ice cream" dress with pockets, petrol blue and green are my favourite colors. So...the Ice Cream Dress is a great piece for every wardrobe. With the zipper at the front, you can choose how you want your neckline. Because of the seams under the bust, the dress makes a perfect cup. The short sleeves and pockets makes the dress unique.
The Ice Cream is available in black, petrol, red, mexican blue and green.


So who is she and what does she stand for? We like to think of her as a women who feels confident in her body, no matter in what shape or size she comes in. She draws inspiration from many decades in the past and knows that 'trends' are as temporary as a woman's very own mood. So rather then choosing to follow the trend, she likes to choose what fits her body, personality and character the best, in whatever stage of life she might be. She could easily dress up as a glamorous 50's diva for that wedding, go to work in high waisted trousers or a pencil skirt, and quickly change into a quirky 70's dress and flip-flops for that evening stroll in the park.

I LOVE VINTAGE is brand for modern women who feel they can freely express their femininity using the classic era's and silhouettes as inspiration.
ILV was founded by brother and sister, Babak and Faranak Mirjalili in 2006. What started out as a hobby for Faranak in 2005, grew in a few years into Europe's leading e-commerce company in the vintage and indie-designer space.
In 2013, Faranak has put all her vision and knowledge into ILV's very own line named BANNOU; a fashion brand dedicated to bring the best of the classic era's with a new, modern philosophy by choosing to be as socially and environmentally friendly as possible, throughout the entire supply-chain.

BANNOU is a socially and environmentally responsible brand and each BANNOU comes with a Sustainability Pyramid Tag that shows you how green your piece exactly is.
This pyramid illustrates the different sustainability levels of BANNOU's designs. Level one is at the top: these items are made of durable materials, certified according to social standards and dyed in an environmentally friendly way. Or they are made from recycled materials. However, there are few pieces that are classified as level one. The second level relates to items that are made of durable materials but these are not environmentally friendly dyed (or she can’t ascertain that yet). Level three items are made from natural materials, but not necessarily organic. The transition between different levels is by no means a hard one.
BANNOU items are made in a sewing atelier in Romania under supervision of our founder.

With dress I am wearing "Sophisticated hair flowers" blue lillie https://www.facebook.com/sophisticatedlady.accesories and my classic black flats.

Photo by Izzy, hair by Maja "Ukrasni Kutak" and mua by Michelle Milardovich
